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Updated 30/12/2015


Listening to Pascal

Bryce shows us his fuselage

The instructors and trainees

Nicolas and Alexandre making it fit


INFO 10/01/2009

An interesting initiative was created by one of the members of the CMR, Roland SURUGUE, who made his knowledge and workshop (or should I say laboratory) available to some of the young people. During the Christmas holidays, Bryce (CMR), Nicolas (AC Limousin) and Alexandre (CM Cachan) prepared the next season of F2F’s at the invitation of Roland and Pascal. Highly rated management and nothing to fear, with a double World champion and champion of Europe and a vice-champion of the World, 10 times winner of the World cup, the training course could proceed under the best care. However, the challenge was not simple, because although our three trainees already practice the competition and for some at high level, I have to say that construction was not their forte. Lots to do and little time as the training course was spread over Monday December 29 to Friday January 2. Under these conditions, the festivities of the New Year were curtailed and they entered the New Year with fingers stuck in the epoxy.

Without doubt, this training course will be very important in their life as model makers, initially to learn things which they knew little or nothing at all about and this sample will give them, at least I hope, the desire for initiating the others in their turn when they have acquired some important knowledge. I know that already, on the ground, they help their young colleagues to fly, thus they will be able, in a few years to help with construction.

This training course could have passed completely unnoticed, I hope you will spread the word because it is with this kind of initiative that one advances model aircraft making, that one reinforces the ties which link us and when the evening comes, the trainee can say “I learned something” and the instructor “I fulfilled my role of model maker”.

This type of example gives incentive to others, not everyone has a workshop, but each one of us has time to devote to it and has use of the workshop of the Training center to impart their knowledge.


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